Strategic Partnership Encompassing R&D and Professional Services

StreamServe (now part of OpenText) is a leader in dynamic document composition, document process automation and enterprise output management.

StreamServe document automation solutions enable B2B and B2C organizations to create, produce and distribute enterprise documents on-demand and to reach significant operational efficiencies. 4,400 customers in 130 countries use StreamServe solutions to present a full range of interactive, electronic, and print-based documents generated by enterprise applications.

Partnership overview

For the 9 years of cooperation, StreamServe’s nearshore team at N-iX has contributed to the development and testing of the above listed StreamServe products, special areas of involvement being development and testing of products’ server-side components, modules, drivers and web applications.

StreamServe’s Professional Services team at N-iX was launched in 2005 as a pilot project to enhance the client’s in-house team. Today, the team includes 19 specialists that align OpenText StreamServe™ on customers’ sites worldwide including the client’s home country.

Hi-Tech Enterprise Software
Partnership period
January 2005 - January 2014
.NET C/C++ Neo4j DB, MFC, Visual Studio 2005, JBoss AS, LDAP, Oracle, MS SQL Server, XDP, XFA, AFP, PDF, and Web services, COM, Stingrey, data providers (ODBC, MQ series, SAP, BAAN, Movex, etc), high performance server operating on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris operating systems; Professional Services: OpenText StreamServe™ framework, MS SQL, UNIX systems

Product overview

OpenText StreamServe™

OpenText StreamServe™ (previously StreamServe Persuasion™, StreamServe 5.x, StreamServe 4.x) – a complex enterprise solution that allows you to streamline your document related processes and power-up customer communications. OpenText StreamServe™ is comprised of such components: 1)Design Center&StoryTellerprovides the capabilities needed to develop all the settings and other parameters for collecting, composing, presenting, and managing customer communications, including connecting to source applications; identifying/extracting input data; transforming, formatting, processing, and sorting data; and delivering output to the appropriate device; 2)StreamStudioa complete suite of web-based solutions that enables business users to directly produce persuasive customer communications without requiring IT programming support; 3)Post-processinga complex enterprise solution that allows you to streamline your document related processes and power-up customer communications organizes documents to optimize production printing, collection, sorting, layout, and imposition. It bundles documents from asynchronous applications to optimize postal delivery, including applying OMR marks; 4)Output Centerenables the management of the entire print environment, including job spooling, delivery, scheduling, centrally managing queues and printers, tracking devices and jobs, and rerouting jobs to an alternate printer in case of device failure; 5)E-Invoice Centerenables creation and delivery of Value Added Tax (VAT)-compliant* electronic invoices—designed in StreamServe—regardless of which country the invoice is being sent from or to.

Adobe® Digital Enterprise Platform Extension

Adobe® Digital Enterprise Platform Extension – Production Print™ (former Adobe® LiveCycle® Production Print ES) – OpenText-Adobe composite content application platform for rapidly deploying Adobe’s customer experience solutions and building custom applications. The software is ideally suited to perform high-volume jobs through efficient batch processes, generating documents such as statements, invoices, contracts, or welcome kits. It allows to merge XML, ASCII or other data types from back-end systems with Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES templates to generate documents in a broad range of print or electronic formats, including AFP and IJPDS to support high volume production requirements. It also allows to customize print document packages by collecting multiple jobs over time and then grouping them to minimize mailing costs. Or, convert AFP or PDF files to any supported output format.

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