Tech landscape of Central and Eastern Europe: 2024 market report

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has become a preferred destination for many global companies looking for a tech partner due to its vast talent pool, technological excellence, and great price-quality ratio.

About this report

The report by N-iX examines the current landscape of the IT outsourcing services market in Central and Eastern European countries, including Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Moldova, and the Baltic region. It overviews the latest trends in the region's tech market, talent pool, education, and more.

This report aims to guide businesses and investors in choosing the best IT services destination in the CEE region. It gathers insights from over 20 reputable sources, including McKinsey, Deloitte, Bloomberg, Tholons, and Kearney, covering resource availability and technical expertise across the region.

central and eastern europe it market reportGet the report to choose the most advantageous IT destination in CEE!


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