Tech industry in Poland: 2024 market report

Poland is one of the leading destinations in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) for global companies seeking top-tier tech partnerships. With over 525,000 tech experts residing in the coutnry, Poland offers access to a vast and diverse talent pool capable of executing projects of any complexity. The country's thriving IT industry, bolstered by a vibrant digital ecosystem, fosters innovation and collaboration, making it a dynamic hub for software development.

About this report

The report by N-iX provides a comprehensive analysis of Poland’s tech landscape, offering valuable insights for businesses and investors looking to establish R&D centers or software partnerships in the country.

Based on more than 20 reputable sources, including government publications, World Bank data, and industry researches by Kearney and ABSL, the report evaluates key factors such as Poland’s talent pool, technological expertise, and innovation capacity. It also examines the broader business environment, including ease of doing business and economic stability, helping guide strategic decisions in the Polish tech market.

Tech market in Poland report

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