A modern IoT Lab is to be launched at Lviv Polytechnic National University. The lab will function within the IoT program, which was organized by Lviv IT Cluster in collaboration with local IT companies in 2016. The official opening will take place on Monday, March 5.

IoT lab is intended to be an exclusive platform, where tech students can develop smart devices and experiment with the connected hardware. 14 working places will be available for use. Besides, several practical courses will be established within the lab: Microcontrollers, Sensors & Actuators, Electronics & Digital Circuit Engineering, and others.

Lviv IT Cluster is also planning to launch the second IoT lab, with a distinct focus on production of smart devices. The scope will include designing and creating real prototypes with details printed on a 3D printer, etc.

The opening of the first IoT lab is the next step in one of the biggest Cluster’s educational projects. The whole process took a long time – from the idea, looking for the lab’s room and its reconstruction, finding sponsors to help with the equipment and actually buying this equipment. We had lots of meetings with IT companies’ top management and signed many documents. This lab has been a big challenge for our education team, but the result is worth it. Students will have a chance to use their theoretical knowledge in practice during classes held in the lab as well as working on their own projects. And this is the opportunity, students from any faculty need.

– says Zenoviy Veres, Education Director at Lviv IT Cluster, Solution Architect, and teacher at Lviv Polytechnic

The students of one of our first degree programs will get an opportunity not just to learn the newest courses and technologies, but also to learn the fundamentals of IoT in practice. This modern lab is one of the Cluster’s biggest achievements since there are no similar labs at state universities. Quality changes in education and investments in the future generations are equally important for us and local IT companies, therefore I am confident we won’t stop on only one lab.

says Stepan Veselovskyi, CEO, Lviv IT Cluster

IoT lab was created thanks to 16 member-companies of Lviv IT Cluster that supported the project financially. N-iX, a top 5 IT company in Lviv, is proud to be among these investors and contribute to IT education in Ukraine. Moreover, we are happy to do it systematically.

Earlier, N-iX has renewed the computer lab for the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at LNU, the alma mater of the company’s CEO and founder Andrew Pavliv. For Lviv Polytechnic, we also have sponsored the creation of the Artificial Intelligence Lab of the similar as the IoT one format.

N-iX regularly makes a financial contribution to the educational IT programs and initiatives as well as shares corporate expertise on different subjects.

IoT lab is located in the building #5 of Lviv Polytechnic, room 606a (S. Bandery St., 28a). The official opening is scheduled on Monday, March 5 at 2 pm.

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By N-iX March 02, 2018

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N-iX is a global software solutions and engineering services company that helps the world’s leading organizations turn challenges into lasting business value, operational efficiency, and revenue growth using advanced technology. With over 2,200 professionals across Europe, the Americas, and APAC, N-iX delivers expert solutions in cloud, data analytics, embedded software, IoT, AI, machine learning, and other technology domains. Being in business for over two decades, N-iX has worked with dozens of industry-leading enterprises and Fortune 500 companies to create value across a wide variety of sectors, including finance, manufacturing, supply chain, retail, and more.

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