DALLAS, July 10, 2018AlienVault, a US security management provider and a client of N-iX, has announced the company is planned to be acquired by a world leader in communications and technologies – AT&T Communications.

Both companies suppose the agreement to be beneficial for each side and already approved the acquisition.

AlienVault innovative security technology will bring up to date and enhance the business power of AT&T’s cybersecurity solutions, making service more suitable for small and medium enterprises. After the acquisition process is finished, AT&T business customers will get the access to AlienVault’s Unified Security Management platform being developed in partnership with N-iX, thus experience more effective threat detection and response with the broad set of enterprise-level security capabilities.

“AlienVault’s expertise in threat intelligence will improve our ability to help organizations detect and respond to cybersecurity attacks. Together, with our enterprise-grade detection, response, and remediation capabilities, we’re providing scalable, intelligent, affordable security for business customers of all sizes,” commented Thaddeus Arroyo, CEO at AT&T Business.

AlienVault company will continue receiving AT&T’s investment in the USM platform and OpenThreat Exchange, the world’s first and largest open threat intelligence community. Meanwhile, AlienVault software will be integrated into cybersecurity suite of AT&T, so join up with the leader in the IDC MarketScape for worldwide managed security services.

“We’re thrilled to join forces with AT&T. They bring a robust cybersecurity portfolio with an industry-leading technology ecosystem,” mentioned Barmak Meftah, president and CEO at AlienVault. “This deal accelerates our ability to deliver on the AlienVault mission, which is to democratize threat detection and response to companies of all sizes.”

N-iX has started its partnership with AlienVault in the second part of 2015. N-iX team is working on AlienVault USM improvement and maintenance. Since November 2015 N-iX dedicated development team has performed four major releases and 16 patch releases that include bug fixes and some new features added to the product (introducing essential enhancements for Managed Security Service Providers, integrations with other company products, and improving the productivity of existing functionality).

“We are happy that N-iX input helped AlienVault in getting to the next business level and receiving wider opportunities in the cybersecurity market. By collaborating with companies like AlienVault, N-iX brings more development capabilities for successful startups and ISVs to innovate in the field of cybersecurity systems.” – comments Yevhen Kompaniyets, Delivery Manager at N-iX.

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By N-iX July 12, 2018

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