Enterprises constantly strive to stay ahead of the competition by launching new products and enhancing existing ones. However, as product portfolios expand and teams grow, maintaining a monolithic front-end architecture can feel like steering a massive ship through narrow waters—slow, cumbersome, and prone to bottlenecks. In software engineering, for instance, these challenges can hinder the ability to adapt quickly to market demands.

This is where micro frontends (MFEs) come into play. Imagine being able to integrate a new feature into multiple platforms with minimal effort or having teams work on different parts of a product simultaneously without stepping on each other’s toes. This is the promise of micro frontend development—which is designed to help enterprises move faster, innovate smarter, and maintain a competitive edge. However, it is crucial to evaluate the necessity and potential advantages of implementing micro frontends, especially for smaller projects where the complexity might be excessive.

Let’s now explore what micro frontend architecture is and ways to implement it successfully.

What is MFE?

In a traditional monolithic web application, the entire front end consists of a series of interconnected components or features. These components share a single codebase, CI/CD pipeline, and DevOps practices. While they might be developed by separate teams depending on the application’s size and organizational structure, they are still part of a single application. This interconnectedness can lead to teams interfering with each other’s work during development, slowing progress and increasing complexity.

Typical web application architecture

In contrast, micro frontend architecture breaks down these interdependencies and is organized into independent features. This allows for updates or modifications to individual components without disrupting the entire application. Thus, different teams can work autonomously while contributing to a unified user experience. A micro frontend application can benefit from the BFF (Back end for Front end) pattern, allowing separate teams to efficiently manage back-end services tailored to their specific micro frontend applications. If visualized—it will look something like this:

Micro frontend web application architecture

Learn more about micro frontends and how to use them

Architecture overview

A micro frontend architecture is designed to be modular, scalable, and maintainable, consisting of multiple independent components that come together to form a cohesive user experience.

Each component in such architecture is responsible for a specific feature or functionality. These components can be developed, tested, and deployed independently, allowing teams to work in parallel without interfering with each other’s progress. This independence not only accelerates development but also enhances the overall stability of the application.

The architecture is built to support seamless integration of these components, ensuring that the user experience remains consistent. Despite being developed by different teams, the components must work together harmoniously, providing a unified interface to the end user. This modular approach allows for easier updates and maintenance, as changes to one component do not necessarily impact the others.

However, not every company is ready for a micro frontend transition. Here are key indicators that your current front end setup might be suitable for this architecture:

Is micro frontend architecture a suitable approach for you?

Micro frontends solve many enterprise challenges, but how can you determine if this architectural style is right for your organization? Here are a few indicators to help you assess your current situation and future needs.

Micro frontends can significantly streamline this process if your business is already reusing functionalities across multiple products or plans to do so. Additionally, if you have begun decomposing key front-end modules—such as authentication, user management, or other cross-cutting concerns—you’re already taking steps toward an architecture that micro frontends can enhance.

Finally, suppose you're struggling with a monolithic frontend's performance and maintenance challenges, where slow development cycles and poor user experiences are becoming the norm. In that case, it may be time to explore micro frontends as a solution.

But how to implement such architecture? N-iX experts have gathered several go-to approaches. Let’s take a look at them together.

The most common approaches to implementing micro frontend architecture

1. Client-side rendering

In this approach, micro frontends are rendered on the client side. Each micro frontend is loaded as a separate JavaScript bundle and combined within the browser. This method allows for flexibility and scalability, as different micro frontends can be developed and deployed independently. It’s ideal for highly dynamic applications but may introduce performance concerns due to increased client-side loading times.

2. Server-side rendering

Here, the micro frontends are composed on the server before being sent to the client. The server assembles different parts of the UI from various micro frontends and serves them as a single, cohesive page. This approach reduces client-side rendering load and can improve performance, especially for users with slower connections. Server-side rendering tools like TailorX and Next.js are commonly used in this architecture.

3. Edge-side composition

Edge-side composition involves assembling micro frontends at the CDN or proxy layer, allowing for a highly scalable and performant architecture. Micro frontends are cached and served closer to the user, minimizing latency. This approach is beneficial for global applications with users across different geographies, but it can be more complex to set up and manage.

4. Iframe-based composition

In this approach, micro frontends are embedded into the main application using iframes. Each micro frontend operates independently within its iframe, isolated from other components. While this offers strong encapsulation and avoids conflicts between micro frontends, it can lead to slower performance and reduced flexibility in terms of communication between components.

However, this approach shouldn’t be considered best practice. Nonetheless, there are business cases that can surely benefit from it.

5. Web components

Web components are a standardized way of building encapsulated UI components that can be reused across different applications. Using web components for micro frontends allows teams to develop independent, self-contained pieces of functionality that can be easily integrated. This approach ensures compatibility across different frameworks and can be highly reusable across various projects, making it a popular choice for enterprises with diverse product lines.

6. Module federation (Webpack)

Module federation, introduced in Webpack 5, allows different teams to share code and dependencies dynamically at runtime. This approach enables micro frontends to load and execute remote modules as needed, providing flexibility in terms of sharing code across applications while avoiding dependency duplication. It’s ideal for large applications that require granular control over shared components. To set up a micro frontend application using Module Federation, you need to configure the Module Federation plugin in your Webpack configuration, define the shared components, and ensure proper communication between the micro frontends.

approaches to implementing micro frontend architecture

No matter what approach you go for—here are some of the critical best practices you need to stick to in order to make this transition smoother.

Styling and shared components

Styling and shared components are critical aspects of architecture, ensuring a seamless user experience across the entire application.

Style guides

Establishing a consistent visual design language is essential for maintaining a cohesive look and feel. Creating a comprehensive style guide that outlines the visual design principles, color schemes, typography, and component styles helps ensure that all micro frontends adhere to the same design standards. This consistency is crucial for providing a seamless user experience.

Shared component libraries

Developing shared component libraries allows teams to reuse common UI elements across multiple micro frontends. These libraries can include buttons, forms, navigation elements, and other reusable components. By leveraging shared libraries, teams can maintain consistency, reduce duplication, and speed up development.

Web components

Using web components is an effective way to create reusable, modular components that can be easily shared across the application. Web components are encapsulated, self-contained units of functionality that adhere to the web component spec, making them compatible with different frameworks and environments. This approach ensures that components can be seamlessly integrated into various micro frontends, enhancing reusability and maintainability.

Steps to ensure a successful transition to micro frontend architecture

Such transition is a strategic move that requires careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps to follow for a successful transition:

1. Preliminary analysis

The first and most critical step is conducting a thorough product discovery. This involves assessing your current application architecture, business needs, and the specific challenges you’re facing with your existing front-end system. During this analysis, it’s essential to identify which parts of your application would benefit most from being broken into micro frontends.

Additionally, you’ll need to choose the optimal tech stack and architecture. This includes evaluating technologies that can support independent deployments, communication between front-end modules, and the overall structure of your new architecture. It's important to avoid mixing incompatible technologies while also highlighting the flexibility provided by a tech stack that allows teams to make incremental changes and upgrades. Understanding your team’s current expertise, future needs, and long-term product vision will guide the selection of the right tools and platforms.

2. Proof of Concept (PoC)

Before fully committing to micro frontends, it's important to validate the approach by developing a Proof of Concept (PoC). This allows you to test whether micro frontends will address the specific challenges you're facing without fully re-architecting your entire system. 

A PoC focuses on a small, manageable part of your application that can be independently transformed into a micro frontend. This step helps you assess the feasibility, identify any potential technical challenges, and refine your approach. The PoC should also provide insight into how the new architecture impacts performance, scalability, and team workflows.

3. Iterative development

Rather than attempting a complete overhaul of your front end in one go, it's best to adopt an incremental approach. Start by selecting a pilot project or a minimum viable product (MVP) and gradually implement micro frontends in stages. This allows your teams to become familiar with the new architecture, tools, and processes while minimizing the risk of disruption to your existing operations.

By taking an iterative approach, you can refine the architecture based on real-world feedback, solve unforeseen challenges, and scale the solution across more parts of the application as confidence grows. It also provides opportunities to align with business milestones and introduce changes without halting ongoing feature development.

Not a step per se: Aligning with business needs

While the technical benefits of micro frontends are clear, it's essential to keep the focus on how this transition aligns with your broader business goals. Micro frontend adoption should not just be a technical solution—it must deliver tangible value to your organization. This could be faster time to market, improved customer experience, or the ability to scale and support multiple products or brands more effectively.

As you develop your micro frontend strategy, ensure it supports key business objectives such as reducing operational complexity, enhancing flexibility, or empowering different teams to take ownership of specific product areas. Aligning the technical roadmap with business goals will ensure long-term success and create a more responsive and agile organization. 

By following these steps, you can make the transition to micro frontends smoothly and strategically, ensuring both technical and business success.

Challenges and considerations

While micro frontend architecture offers numerous benefits, it also presents several challenges and considerations that organizations must address to ensure successful implementation:

  • Integration complexity: Integrating multiple micro frontends can be complex and require significant effort. Ensuring that all components work together seamlessly and communicate effectively is crucial for maintaining a cohesive user experience. Organizations must invest in robust integration strategies and tools to manage this complexity.
  • Communication overhead: With multiple teams working on different micro frontends, communication overhead can increase. Coordinating efforts, aligning design standards, and managing dependencies between teams can lead to delays and misunderstandings. Establishing clear communication channels and collaboration practices is essential to mitigate these challenges.
  • Tech debt: Micro frontends can lead to tech debt if not properly managed. Each component may have its own technology stack and dependencies, which can result in fragmentation and inconsistency. Organizations must implement governance practices to manage tech debt, such as regular code reviews, standardized development practices, and shared component libraries.

increase your time to market with micro frontends

Scaling with micro frontend architecture

This requires careful planning and consideration to ensure optimal performance and user experience.

  • Monitor performance: Regularly monitor the performance of each micro frontend and the application as a whole to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Performance monitoring tools can provide insights into response times, resource usage, and user interactions, helping teams optimize their components.
  • Optimize components: Continuously optimize individual components to improve performance and reduce latency. This may involve code refactoring, optimizing asset loading, and implementing performance best practices. By focusing on component-level optimization, teams can enhance the overall performance of the application.
  • Use caching and content delivery networks: Implement caching strategies and leverage content delivery networks (CDNs) to reduce the load on individual components and improve performance. Caching frequently accessed data and assets can significantly reduce server load and improve response times, while CDNs can deliver content closer to users, minimizing latency.


Micro frontend architecture offers a strategic solution for large enterprises facing scalability, team autonomy, and multi-product integration challenges. While the transition requires careful planning and initial investment, the long-term benefits of flexibility, speed, and maintainability can be significant.

Why adopt micro frontend architecture with N-iX?

With over 21 years of experience and strategic partnerships with industry leaders like AWS, Microsoft, and Google Cloud, N-iX has the expertise to guide you through every stage of your micro frontend journey. Whether you need to scale your product offerings, deliver new features more quickly, or improve the overall user experience, we provide tailored solutions that align with your business goals and technical requirements.

Our approach enables functional component decomposition, allowing different teams to develop, test, and deploy their parts of the application independently. This not only reduces time to market but also minimizes risks associated with large-scale deployments. By leveraging our technical vision—including orchestration, infrastructure, automation, and integration—we help you address critical challenges like operational complexity, cross-component communication, and state management.

If you’re struggling with operational bottlenecks, high maintenance costs, or the inability to reuse functionalities across products but aren't sure how to transition to a micro frontend architecture, we’re here to help. Our expert team will work closely with you to analyze your specific business case, design a tailored implementation strategy, and guide you through the entire process—from analysis and design to development, distribution, and utilization.

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Andrii Roman
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