Ecommerce software development services

N-iX offers ecommerce software development and consulting services to help businesses boost operations, elevate customer experiences, and ensure steady growth.

Trusted by retail and ecommerce leaders across the globe


Revamping ecommerce: delivering
personalized, omnichannel

The commerce companies are looking for new ways to reach its existing and potential clients, develop better products, personalize the experience, and cultivate customer loyalty. They are also looking for new ways to make their operations and products more sustainable, reducing both physical and digital waste.

N-iX has strong technical and domain expertise in retail and ecommerce. Among our clients are fashion retailers, car dealerships, digital assets marketplaces, wholesale companies, and many others. We have experience in building and supporting ecommerce solutions that service over a billion customers across the US, the UK, and Europe on a monthly basis.

Innovation and technologies help these companies not only serve their clients better but also strategically plan their growth and adapt to market changes. We help these businesses boost their operational efficiency, grow their revenue, and introduce advanced technologies.

  • 93% of online shoppers expect a superior shopping experience when using e-commerce websites and mobile apps compared to shopping in a physical store. Ecommerce Relevance Report 2022 by Coveo
  • 70% of all business activities are predicted to be automated by 2030. report by FedEx
  • Consumers spend 48% more when their experience is personalized. Cuker Digital Trends Report 2023-2024
  • 22% of consumers abandon online shopping carts because of too long/complicated checkout processes. Baymard
  • An average of 31% of ecommerce site revenue comes from product recommendations. 2023 study by Barilliance
  • 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products or services.

Transform ecommerce operations with N-iX

  • Provide a seamless and personalized shopping experience across various channels

  • Reach new customers and retain them more effectively

  • Stand out from your competitors

  • Effectively tackle cybersecurity threats

  • Comply with industry standards and local regulations

  • Prepare for supply chain disruptions with more effective demand planning

  • Improve the efficiency of your logistics and last-mile delivery

  • Address sustainability concerns

  • Identify and prevent fraudulent activities

Ecommerce software development services

Platform-based ecommerce development

Create an online storefront based on a major ecommerce platform, like Magento, BigCommerce, Shopify, Salesforce ecommerce, WooCommerce, etc.

Ecommerce application development

Launch mobile, web, and cross-platform applications for ecommerce, providing a mobile-friendly shopping experience.

Marketplace modernization

Develop new features, revamp user interfaces, enhance user experiences, and modernize existing tech stack to introduce innovation.

Ecommerce platform migration and upgrades

Migrate from outdated or less effective ecommerce systems to more advanced platforms. Our experts can also help you with data migration or migration to the cloud.

Custom ecommerce development

Build a custom solution, integrate it with third-party software, and address unique workflows that no standard solution can cover.

Ecommerce consulting and support services

Get guidance on ecommerce software development, strategy, technology, implementation, and best practices.

Building ecommerce solutions for every process

N-iX has an extensive expertise in building custom solutions for ecommerce and retail companies. We
can design and engineer solutions that fulfill even the most complex and advanced business needs.

Pricing intelligence

Our custom-made pricing platform provides near-real-time reporting on competitor product prices to effectively match the prices and cater to customers needs faster.

Explore solution

Demand planning

We provide advanced solutions for demand forecasting to help our retail and ecommerce clients with purchase predictions, promotional activities, and automated stock replenishment.

Explore solution

Inventory management solution

With our solutions you can monitor stock levels, automate reordering processes, analyze sales patterns to predict stock needs, and update product availability faster.

Ecommerce analytics and reporting

Integrated analytics tools can help you track key performance indicators (KPIs), customer behavior, and sales trends helps businesses make data-driven decisions.

Payment gateway integration

We can help you integrate diverse payment solutions into ecommerce platforms for various payment methods, including credit cards, digital wallets, and buy-now-pay-later solutions.

Search optimization

Our experts can help you improve the search engine within your website to help users conveniently browse, find the right products more easily, and ensure the best customer experience.

Subscription turnover management

The solution can optimize subscription churn probabilities, automate marketing interventions based on these probabilities, and increase revenue with personalized marketing activities.

Live commerce platform

A custom-made highly customizable and scalable live selling platform that withstands up to 100,000 users and supports users from multiple third-party applications, such as Facebook, YouTube, etc.

Boosting ecommerce with generative AI

We can enhance your workflow and boost customer satisfaction by automating tasks, customizing
products, and elevating personalization with our generative AI services for ecommerce. Take advantage
of our expertise to overhaul operational efficiency, reduce costs, and drive innovation.

  • Product Information Management (PIM) with Gen AI

    Manage information for data import/export, product catalog management, workflow automation, data quality control, and localization for different markets.

  • Reviews aggregation

    Gather and process review according to the pre-defined structure, reuse information and produce custom snapshots of product information.

  • Recommendation engine

    Provide customers with relevant recommendations based on their past purchases, browsing history, and product preferences to enhance their shopping experience.

  • Human-interface chatbots

    Transform customer service with intelligent chatbots that can help improve customer retention, automate processes, provide multilingual support, and gather valuable data.

  • Fakes detection

    Prevent the sale and distribution of fakes, protecting both the brand's reputation and the consumer with AI-based solution that checks the authenticity of products.

Ecommerce software development services at N-iX:
How it works


Product ideation & conceptualization:

We gather ideas and requirements from stakeholders, understanding the business goals, target audience, and the type of products or services being sold. Next, our experts will gather and document functional and non-functional requirements from business analysts to ensure that the end product meets the identified needs.


Product design:

During this step, we are creating user personas and drafting the user experience (UX) and interface (UI). Designers will craft wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visually represent the product, focusing on ease of use and intuitiveness.


Development, testing, and deployment:

The development process is iterative, with regular feedback and rigorous testing throughout the software development lifecycle. This could include cloud hosting, on-premise servers, or a combination of both.



The ecommerce system is integrated with third-party services like payment gateways, shipping providers, CRM, ERP systems, etc.


Maintenance & support:

Once the software is running, ongoing maintenance is crucial to resolve issues, update the system, and ensure it runs smoothly over time.


User analytics and feedback:

We can also help you with post-launch data collection on user behavior, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics to understand how the platform is utilized.

Success stories of our retail and commerce clients Case studies

Why choose N-iX as your ecommerce software
development company?


successfully delivered retail and e-commerce projects


active retail clients


N-iXers working on retail/e-commerce projects


people using the solutions we’ve worked on


markets across the globe offer the products we developed together with our partners


enterprise clients

Meet our experts


Maria Karandin

VP Delivery

Valentyn Kropov

Chief Technology Officer

Sergii Netesanyi

Head of Solution Group


We offer a comprehensive suite of ecommerce software development services, including custom website development, shopping cart solutions, payment gateway integration, mobile commerce, performance optimization, maintenance, and support.

The choice of technology stack is determined based on specific project requirements, but we typically work with proven technologies such as Magento, WooCommerce, and Shopify for platform-based solutions, languages like PHP, and JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular for custom ecommerce software development services.
Security is of utmost importance, and we take several measures, such as implementing SSL, adhering to PCI DSS compliance standards, conducting regular security audits, and ensuring safe data encryption practices to protect against breaches.
We generally follow Agile project management methodologies that facilitate frequent communication and updates. You'll be assigned a dedicated project manager who will keep you informed of the progress through regular meetings, reports, and project management tools.
We offer custom design services tailored to your brand and audience and template-based designs for clients looking for a faster and more cost-effective solution.
Yes, we can integrate a wide range of third-party services and existing systems into your ecommerce platform, ensuring seamless data flow and expanded functionality.

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