Ecommerce app development services

Our ecommerce app development services help businesses provide exceptional shopping experiences and effectively manage warehouses and vendors to ensure seamless operations at every step of the ecommerce journey for every end user.

Trusted by ecommerce and retail leaders across the globe


Helping ecommerces get the most
out of their tech investment

N-iX specializes in developing various ecommerce applications — from customer-facing shopping apps to back-office operational tools. Whether you need to improve your digital commerce, streamline back office operations, power your existing apps with cost-saving technologies, or provide your stakeholders with highly-performant tools, we have the expertise and experience to bring your vision to life.

  • End-to-end development of shopping applications for any digital commerce models (B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C)
  • Robust apps for the back office (supply chain, facility, inventory, and HR management apps)
  • Application scaling and API integration
  • Extensive experience with AI/ML, computer vision, AR/VR, IoT, cloud, Big Data, and predictive analytics technologies to elevate app performance

Solve your business challenges with a reliable
tech partner by your side

  • Reach wider audiences and enhance user engagement
  • Improve retention of existing customers
  • Boost sales and find new revenue generation streams
  • Decrease returns with appealing product visualization and try-ons
  • Streamline warehouse operations
  • Improve sustainability of supply chain processes
  • Personalize customer experience
  • Customer acquisition and retention, customer experience, revenue growth
  • Enhance user engagement, and drive conversions, ultimately boosting sales and revenue
  • Strengthen fraud detection and customer identification

N-iX ecommerce app development
services and solutions

Mobile native and cross-platform application development

N-iX enables ecommerce businesses to reach wider audiences and enhance user engagement on both iOS and Android platforms by developing mobile native and cross-platform applications with React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and other technologies.

Desktop and progressive web app development

We help ecommerce companies enhance user engagement, drive conversions, and boost sales and revenue by developing desktop and progressive web applications that provide fast loading times, offline access, and seamless interactions.

Chatbot and virtual shopping assistants

N-iX helps businesses enhance user experience and drive sales by using advanced AI/ML, natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. We create virtual chatbots and assistants that enable personalized, human-like interactions and efficient customer support.

Workplace management tools

N-iX offers comprehensive workplace management extensions for ecommerce businesses, integrating advanced platforms like SAP, OpenText, and others. It streamlines HR processes, enhances employee engagement, and fosters a productive work environment.

CRM development

We develop customer relationship management (CRM) systems that help businesses centralize customer data, track interactions, personalize marketing efforts, and improve customer service. It ultimately enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, increasing sales and revenue.

Vendor management systems (VMS)

Our tailored VMSs allow businesses to streamline the entire vendor lifecycle, and facilitate vendor selection, contract management, order processing, and communication. It results in cost savings, improved partnerships, reduced risks, and enhanced supply chain efficiency.

Enterprises gain a competitive edge and improved profitability by integrating advanced data analytics, ML algorithms, and pricing intelligence solutions into their ecommerce apps. This helps adjust pricing strategies in real-time based on demand, competition, and inventory.

N-iX provides tailored demand planning solutions for ecommerce businesses. We use cutting-edge technologies such as Big Data, predictive analytics, and Machine Learning to optimize inventory management and ensure seamless supply chain operations.

Inventory management software

We create custom inventory management tools and integrate computer vision, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and other technologies. As a result, the businesses can streamline warehouse management, ensure optimal stock levels, improve order accuracy, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Voice/image search

We help our clients introduce voice and image search into their apps to enable users to discover products through natural language commands or image inputs. It allows businesses to improve user engagement, simplify shopping, and drive more conversions.

Sales and marketing applications

We develop AI-powered sales and marketing applications to help ecommerce businesses increase customer acquisition, boost conversions, improve customer retention, enhance brand loyalty, and grow sales revenue and market share.

Need something else?

We can also help you with

Application scaling

We can scale ecommerce applications and ensure seamless performance, reliability, and resilience even during periods of peak loads by employing scalable architecture design, cloud-native development practices, containerization, auto-scaling tools, load testing, performance optimization, and continuous monitoring.

Ecommerce app migration

Our experts help ecommerce businesses migrate their applications with minimal disruption to operations by conducting a comprehensive assessment of existing systems, customizing migration strategy, securing data transfer, and allowing businesses to modernize their ecommerce infrastructure if needed.

Digital commerce app modernization

N-iX can modernize ecommerce apps and migrate to-from storefront platforms such as Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento), BigCommerce, Shopify, Salesforce ecommerce, and WooCommerce to provide relevant customer experience across every ecommerce channel on mobile and desktop devices.

Payment gateway integration

N-iX integrates payment gateways into ecommerce applications using secure APIs and SDKs from industry-leading providers, ensuring seamless transactions, multiple payment methods and flows, and compliance with PCI DSS standards.

AI/ML-based personalization algorithms

We create personalization algorithms that analyze customer behavior, preferences, real-time and historical data to enable tailored product recommendations, personalized marketing campaigns, and enhanced user experiences.

Technology integration (CV, IoT, RPA)

Our team will integrate the required technologies to existing or new apps to optimize performance, improve customer experiences, automate inventory management and order fulfillment, and gain valuable insights for better decision-making.

API-driven integrations

N-iX’s ecommerce API integration services empower businesses to deliver personalized omnichannel experiences, optimize operations in real-time, and drive revenue growth, enabling seamless connectivity between various systems and channels, ensuring flexibility, scalability, and agility.

Post-launch maintenance and support

N-iX offers proactive maintenance, rapid bug resolution, regular security and performance enhancements updates, and dedicated support teams to ensure the app’s smooth performance, uninterrupted user experience on any device, and increasing customer satisfaction.

UI/UX design

Our design unit conducts in-depth user research, wireframing, prototyping, and iterative design enhancements to help businesses revamp their UI/UX and create intuitive, visually appealing interfaces that allow for exceptional user experience across multiple channels and boost conversions.

Our clients’ success stories Case studies

How N-iX designs, develops, and deploys applications
to grow your ecommerce business


We research, strategize, and architect applications based on end-product requirements, your tech infrastructure, business strategy, and regulations.

  • Product Discovery
  • Solution architecture
  • Functional and non-functional requirements specification
  • Detailed implementation plan

We design and prototype an app to test our hypothesis, visualize and validate key features, measure user experience, and ensure smooth development.

  • User journey and experience mapping
  • User interface design
  • Content mapping
  • Wireframes for key user flows
  • MVP and PoC development

We develop an app that integrates the necessary features and technologies, and connect it to the respective solutions to strengthen business performance.

  • Front end and back end development
  • API integration
  • Release planning and management

We test the solution and do quality assurance to check the app’s performance and limitations, create a risk management plan, and strengthen security.

  • Manual and automated testing
  • Performance check
  • Security compliance testing
  • Usability assessment

We maintain, assess performance, and scale solutions to ensure the application runs according to your expectations.

  • AI-powered analytics
  • KPI measurement and visualization
  • Legacy system optimization
  • Regular updates and patches
  • Feedback loop integration for continuous improvement

Compliance and industry awards

Enjoy exclusive partner benefits with our digital


What our ecommerce and retail clients say

Commercial Retail Company

We're impressed with the value for money they provide.

Project Manager

Commercial Retail Company

We consider them (N-iX team) as our best project not only in terms of quality, but also in terms of methodology and user evaluation.

Project Manager


We know that the people who present us with are usually very very good in terms of embedding into our teams and hitting the ground running.

Csaba Nagyidai

Lead Developer

What makes N-iX a reliable provider of ecommerce
app development services

  • Proven cross-industry experience with technologies that drive ecommerce, such as AI, Big Data, predictive analytics, computer vision, cloud, to name a few;
  • 160 active clients, including Fortune 500 companies and multiple retail, supply chain, and ecommerce businesses;
  • 300 engineers with ecommerce and retail domain expertise;
  • 2,200 tech experts with various expertise for on-demand consultation;
  • Over 15M people worldwide are using the commerce solutions we developed together with our clients;
  • 60+ successfully delivered ecommerce and retail projects;
  • Strong expertise in generative AI to help you enhance workflows and boost customer satisfaction by automating tasks, customizing products, and elevating personalization.

Meet our experts


Maria Karandin

VP Delivery

Valentyn Kropov

Chief Technology Officer

Sergii Netesanyi

Head of Solution Group

Frequently asked questions about ecommerce
application development services

Ecommerce app development services encompass the design, development, and deployment of custom applications tailored to the needs of online businesses, facilitating seamless transactions, enhancing user experience, and driving revenue growth.

Ecommerce app development enableі businesses to establish a robust online presence, streamline operations, improve customer engagement, and increase sales, ultimately driving business growth and profitability.
N-iX specializes in developing tailored ecommerce applications, from user-friendly shopping apps to robust backend solutions, to help businesses transform their digital commerce and achieve their revenue goals.
When selecting an ecommerce application development services provider, consider their experience, expertise in relevant technologies, portfolio of previous projects, client testimonials, and ability to meet your specific business requirements.
Key features to consider in ecommerce application development services include user-friendly interface design, secure payment gateways, personalized product recommendations, seamless checkout processes, and robust inventory management capabilities.
Digital commerce app development services enable businesses to stay competitive by offering innovative features, personalized experiences, seamless transactions, and responsive customer support, meeting today's consumers' evolving needs and expectations.
Yes, ecommerce app development can help businesses expand into new markets by providing multi-language support, local currency options, and region-specific features tailored to the preferences and expectations of target audiences.

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