Development of Financial Technology App for a Forex Trading Company

Finatek is a financial services company that allowed financial institutions to organize trading over the Internet.

Finatek is the developer and operator of myForex Trading Platform, which enables banks and brokers to trade with many different providers and to manage all transactions on a consolidated screen. The entire process, from operation of the initial inquiry through trade and settlement, took place without human intervention.

Partnership overview

Finatek approached N-iX after years of using its initial version of a desktop client, a cross-platform desktop application for Forex trading. In the process of five years, development team at N-iX helped Finatek further develop and enhance the platform. Some of the team’s contributions include:

  • customizations and extensions of a desktop client
  • integration of the desktop client with MS Office
  • client porting to Linux and MacOs


  • mobile client development, integration of multi-language support and integration with various platforms, including specific Japanese mobile platforms
  • web client development
  • server-side integration with various banking systems (we describe banking-fintech integrations in digital transformation framework article)
  • incorporation of additional functionality to Weblogic server and server-side adaptation to the JBoss application server


Partnership period
January 2005 - January 2010
Java JavaScript

Product overview

myForex Trading Platform

myForex Trading Platform offers the ultimate, turn-key technology solution for retail Forex and CFD markets, providing a comprehensive, back and front office software along with managed hosting services to companies from around the world, ranging from start-up to well established trading firms.

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